Tonia A. Dousay
Scholar | Educator | Leader
Tag Archives: tools
Wordle: A Self Portrait
I must credit Lisa Abate for this fabulous idea, but I was inspired to create a Wordle using my resume. It’s fairly common knowledge that some organizations use word scans to weed out applicants. And while I’m not really out in the marketplace for a job, I kinda wondered what my resume says about me….
I first heard about WorldCat at a conference last Spring. I can’t recall if it was at TAMUS’ Teaching with Technology or TxDLA’s annual conference. In either case, I remember thinking what an awesome tool it is. Currently, more than 10,000 libraries participate in the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), and as such are tied…
Free Web-Based Tools
While attending TxDLA 2008 last week, one of the better sessions was a review of various free, web-based tools. It was pitched as a “Navigating Web 2.0” session, and had quite a few attendees. In preparation, the presenter, Cindy Smith with UT-Tyler, set up a wiki at to list these sites and some brief…
The Best Things in Life are Free
Hey if ‘ol blue eyes sang it, it must be true, right? He must’ve been on to something. The folks over at Adobe announced yesterday that they are now offering a free-version of Photoshop in a web-based edition now called Photoshop Express. I don’t know about you guys, but I certainly find this to be…
Learning Gets a Second Life
The Digital Native – 12.5h/week playing games and only 9.8h/week watching television. As the gaming levels off, 66% of trendsetters have their own networking page. Why are people in Second Life? Make friends, make money, make love. Race cars, fly airplanes, hold meetings, exchange ideas, engage in combat, attend live concerts, and more. — It…
Simulations for Instructor Led Training
WebEx has taken the simulation and married it to instructor-led training. The Problem: Previous problems resulted in only one or few learners experiencing practical exercises. The Solution: Host a simulation on a website and use “Share Web Content” feature for all users to interact with inside the web conferencing software. When designing these simulations, consider…
Cell Casting
Cell phones have become an essential piece of equipment to most people. mLearning is many things to many people, though. Pure Learning (questionable) Data Collection (probable) Performance Support (probable) Reinforcement (probable) Reference (likely) Possibilities (decreasing down the list in complexity and cost): Rich Media (Flash lite, Pod/Vodcasts & streaming video)* Courseware (learning + interactive assessments)^…