Tonia A. Dousay
Scholar | Educator | Leader
How do I see eLearning in the 21st Century?
We’re eight years in to the 21st century and we’re still asking what eLearning in the 21st century is/will be. Is it because we’re an ADD society with a short attention span? Or are we still trying to disseminate answers to the rest of the masses? Or is it because we never really answered the…
Don’t Vote
In Kuwait, women did not have the right to vote until May 2005. Currently, men serving in the military or police are not allowed to vote. In the Dominican Republic, members of the armed forces or national police are not allowed to vote. In Guatemala, active duty members of the armed forces may not vote…
TXT Learning
In an age where technology has taken hold of many facets of daily life, I often cringe when reading an email or MySpace/Facebook message from one of my younger relatives. It would appear that their texting shorthand has trickled over into their normal vocabulary, and frequently makes my brain hurt (and eyes bleed). I present…
Adventures in eLearning
Ever see that fabulous 80s movie with Elizabeth Shue, Adventures in Babysitting? If you haven’t, I highly advise it for a little nostalgic humor. If you have, then I’m sure you’ve had days, weeks, even months like that. Truly, every industry and job has its ups and downs. But to put mine in to perspective,…
Digital Maturity
Have you ever heard the phrase, “digital native”? If you haven’t, let me apologize now for introducing it to you. If you have, I apologize for bringing it up. It’s a phrase that has a growing usage among educators and technologists alike to describe the generations who were born in to the digital age of…
Patience and Humility
So, last fall, I submitted a speaker proposal for the eLearning Guild’s Annual Gathering out in Orlando (actually going on this week). As I watched their speaker list being updated over the period of a week or so, I saw a name and presentation pop up that sounded almost identical to mine. What are the…
Free Web-Based Tools
While attending TxDLA 2008 last week, one of the better sessions was a review of various free, web-based tools. It was pitched as a “Navigating Web 2.0” session, and had quite a few attendees. In preparation, the presenter, Cindy Smith with UT-Tyler, set up a wiki at to list these sites and some brief…
The Best Things in Life are Free
Hey if ‘ol blue eyes sang it, it must be true, right? He must’ve been on to something. The folks over at Adobe announced yesterday that they are now offering a free-version of Photoshop in a web-based edition now called Photoshop Express. I don’t know about you guys, but I certainly find this to be…
Twitter-pated and other collaboration
Here it is day three of TxDLA2008. The conference has been interesting, at least. I don’t think I’ll walk away with anything groundbreaking, but I have made some connections to help further market our eLearning efforts as well as confirm that we’re on the right path. Somewhere around here, my boss has been in and…
Live from Galveston…it’s TxDLA 2008
Well, I found out the hard way that the wireless connection at Moody Gardens, in a word, sucks. I thought I might try and blog the conference a la IIL07. Instead, I’ve managed to all but drain my Blackberry battery tweeting my way through TxDLA08. Until now, I managed to avoid even signing up for…