Flowing Data

Even as a learning technologist, I sometimes find that there are some really cool applications out there that have untold uses and possibilities. Today’s gadget was built using Modest Maps. This specific example runs through the explosion that was Wal*Mart as stores have popped up all across the United States. Check it out (and be…

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Twitter is nothing new…in fact, it should be celebrating its third birthday this year. Admittedly, I tend to think of technology already “old” once it hits three or four. I sometimes forget that not everyone (or everything) moves at speed of change. Still, it’s amazing to me to watch the adoption rate grow and penetrate…

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Free for the Asking!

This list is courtesy of Mike Sullivan, Training Specialist with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Mike compiled these resources as a quick overview of associations, training sources, newsletters, and web pages providing free or low cost training and/or traning-related articles. If you have other sources, please comment this post and share them with everyone!…

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I first heard about WorldCat at a conference last Spring. I can’t recall if it was at TAMUS’ Teaching with Technology or TxDLA’s annual conference. In either case, I remember thinking what an awesome tool it is. Currently, more than 10,000 libraries participate in the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), and as such are tied…

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Adventures in Teaching

For whatever reason, something possessed me a few weeks ago. When asked by a friend and neighbor if I was interested in picking up two Business Communications courses for her, I jumped on the opportunity. Apparently my regular job, part-time gig teaching pilates at Aerofit, and monthly happy hour planning weren’t enough. So, here begins…

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